Northwestern Europe Regional Contest
November 28-29 2015


Welcome to the website for the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest 2015 (NWERC). NWERC 2015 is hosted by Linköping University and will take place November 28-29.

During the contest there will be a public scoreboard at It will also be possible to follow the contest using MyICPC at The official hashtag is #NWERC. All tweets with this tag will be available through MyICPC. For those loved ones at home who like to challenge themselves with programming challenges it will be possible to test the NWERC problems at

NWERC 2015 is an official regional contest in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. It draws students from colleges and universities throughout Belgium, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The winning team will advance to the ACM ICPC World Finals.

Event sponsors